Pornographic materials are the representation of erotic behaviors in books, pictures, statues, motion pictures etc. that is intended to cause sexual excitement. The effect of pornographic films on Nigeria youths was embarked upon with the intention of establishing the impression of youth exposures.
It is apparent that youths exposure to pornographic films will have negative effect on them. Here lies the objective of our research which seeks to find out why youths watch pornographic films and the extent to which these youths practice behaviors acquired from viewing pornographic films
The survey research methodology was in use because the study in question involved the kind of population that would be too large to be observed directly, this method helped us in finding out that exposure to pornographic films affects the psychological state of a person and can influence such a person to participate in or practicalize what is being watched. Also realize was the fact that sexual crimes and abuses meted out by youths in our society today is very much attributed to their exposure to pornographic films.
In conclusion youths are the lewdest of tomorrow as such should be emotionally and psychological; balanced. Youth should therefore not indulge in watching pornographic film because the consequences which is negative, will surely tell on them.
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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